Woman faces £20,000 fine for painting a pink door

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pink door

Woman faces £20,000 fine for painting a pink door

A woman in Edinburgh, Scotland has been warned of a fine of 20 thousand pounds. It is learned that the pink color that the woman painted on her door must be changed immediately. Otherwise, he will have to pay that huge amount of fine.

The 48-year-old woman's name is Miranda Dixon. He named Edinburgh's New Town Live in the area. Last year, he painted the main door of the house pink. Be that as it may, this tone isn't loved by the city chamber. They said that color will not work. White color should be done instead. Naturally, Miranda obeyed such instructions. His counter-claim is that the warning is intentional. As indicated by him, this is the indication of a 'little' mindset.

He inherited this house in 2019. Then he renovated it for 2 years. At the very end he decided to paint the main door. He is very proud of this color. Such bright colored doors square measure common in places like port, Notting Hill. He was delighted to check this door on his manner home.

But the door is already gone. Many people are seen standing before of that door and taking selfies. But the authorities are stubborn in their decisions. Miranda claims that the neighboring homes even have bright coolers. Which includes red. Now to see, in the end who will win this fight? The two sides are resolved about their requests.

Source: ScottishDailyExpress.

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