Apps that reduce smartphone battery life

News For Update

smartphone battery

Apps that reduce smartphone battery life

Use different types of apps on smartphones. From social media to banking work can also be done at home through this app. But hackers can take over your phone through fake apps. Various viruses and malware spread through apps.

Recently, Google has removed several such apps from the Play Store. Which not only spread malware but also consumed more data on the phone. Even these apps are very harmful for mobile battery. The use of such apps is causing damage to the mobile battery.

Google has listed some such apps. Which have already been removed from play store. Worryingly, these apps have been downloaded around 20 million times. If you have apps on your phone, remove them now. Check out the names of some of the apps in this list-

Flashlight (torch)

QR Readers


The unit converts

Task managers

Google has identified 16 such apps. In which malware named Clicker has been seen. After opening these apps, they are downloaded through remote configuration. As a result, they send HTTP requests. After that configuration is downloaded, it is registered in the Fire base cloud messaging system. Push messages are then sent to customers from there. Through this, various types of damage are being tried to the customers.


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