That's Why Smartphones Get Extra Hot

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                                That's why smartphones get extra hot


After too much pressure on the phone for weak networks, the smartphone gets too hot. Many people use smartphones with extra cover or case. In this case, the phone heats up by keeping the heat out of the phone. However, it is not right to use the smartphone too much or play extra games as the phone is hot.

One of the main reasons why smartphones get hot is that the phone's battery gets hot. Excessive heating of the battery can cause an explosion at any time. Also, the phone hangs or becomes slow.

Never charge a smartphone, 100 percent. At the same time, never let the phone battery go below 20 percent. Excessive charge or discharge can cause problems with the phone's battery, which is one of the reasons why the phone gets hot.

One of the reasons why the cover phone gets hot. The cover shuts off the cooling system of the phone. As a result, the heat generated inside the phone cannot come out easily. So if the phone gets too hot, remove the cover from the phone immediately. Only use the cover again when the phone is cold.

There are many apps running in the background of the phone that we do not need. All these apps tend to waste processors and batteries. As a result, the phone starts to get hot. So keep deleting all the necessary apps from the background regularly.

The phone's display consumes the most battery. So lowering the brightness of the display puts less pressure on the battery, which helps to keep the phone cool.

When the charger offered by the company when buying a phone is bad, many people start using low cost fake chargers. Using such a fake charger can damage the battery of the phone. As a result, the smartphone, started to get hot. So if the phone charger is bad, buy the original charger.

Source: online



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