Tiktok is launching games

News For Update


Tiktok is launching games

In addition to watching and exchanging small videos, games can also be played on Tiktok. No need to enter any website or click any link for this. The Games tab will be added within the TikTok app. Click on the tab to see different games. As a result, users can play games of their choice. If everything goes well, the Games tab may be launched on the TikTok app on November 2.

TikTok has become very popular around the world in a short time due to the opportunity to create and share small videos. Now the Chinese app wants to attract gamers to their team. Not only the increase in the number of users, but also the opportunity to use various features in exchange for money, besides showing ads in games, TikTok will also earn.

It should be noted that Tik Tok has created various games to provide the opportunity to play games. Since last May, several users in Vietnam have been given the opportunity to play the games experimentally. Later, TikTok authorities tested the effectiveness of the games on a certain number of users in the United States and the United Kingdom.

Last September, TikTok hired Assaf Sagi as the head of global gaming to launch the gaming tab. He also announced to work closely with various game makers for the development of gaming services.

Source: Mashable


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