Benefits of rose water

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how to use rose water for face

                       Benefits of rose water

We as a whole need to see ourselves lovely in our day by day, occupied lives. However, due to lack of time, we almost forget to take care of the skin. But because of that, he has to suffer from various skin problems. Also, it is extremely challenging to dispose of it.

Today I will tell you some solutions that will help keep your skin beautiful in minutes. Everyone knows the name of rose water. But let's see exactly how rose water helps.

We all use rose water more or less sometimes. Rose water not only relieves skin problems, but also helps to keep it glowing and healthy.

1. Rose water as a toner

You can use rose water as a toner (Rose water toner). It stays aware of the pH harmony of the skin. Use rose water during facials. This will reduce acne and reduce the appearance of acne. If there is a rash on the face after facial, then apply rose water to reduce it.

2. Rose water and oily skin

There are many problems with oily skin and as a result, there are various problems. Excess oil cannot be controlled without many things. Use rose water to control this excess oil.

Rose water controls excess oil and opens the pores of the skin as needed to allow air to circulate.

3. Rose water and cleanser

Rose water also works very well as a cleanser with toner. Instead of applying make-up with face wash, use rose water, it removes make-up beautifully and also keeps the skin soft.

Rose water also cleanses the skin from the inside out by removing the dirt that has accumulated in the face in a normal way. For healthy skin, the first thing you need to do is keep the skin clean from the inside out. There are various problems with this accumulation of dirt, so clean the skin first with rose water.

4. Rose water to relieve fatigue

Feeling very tired back from the office? Use rose water in this too. Take a bath by mixing a little rose water in the bath water, and you will see that it looks very fresh. It contains some ingredients that relieve the body and mind fatigue and give a kind of fresh feeling.

5. Rose water for skin

Rose water contains anti-inflammatory ingredients, which help to keep the skin beautiful as well as cure various skin diseases such as dermatitis.

6. Rose water and various stains

Control problems like bronchitis or other rashes, various spots, skin rashes, dark circles very easily.

7. Rose water helps to sleep

Do you have trouble sleeping? Nothing good sleep? And do not like to take medicine? Still use rose water. Put a few drops of rose water on the pillow and its sweet fragrance brightens your mood and helps you sleep better.

8. Rose water and dry skin

Is the skin becoming very dry or dry skin? No worries, apply rose water, it acts as a natural conditioner, so the skin regains its own moisture. Your skin will become very smooth and beautiful.

9. Astringent

Rose water works like an astringent. So whenever you use rose water on your skin, it helps to remove dust from your skin.

10. Rose water is rich in anti-oxidants

Rose water is rich in antioxidants. This is why rose water is used as an anti-aging, anti-oxidant that strengthens skin cells from the inside out and keeps them fresh. So that the skin of the face remains tight.

11. Rose water and other problems

After shaving boys, the skin becomes dry and red. Many times itching is rose water will relieve you from this problem. It will soften the skin and give it a beautiful skin radiance boosting, which will work much better than the creams on the market.

12. Rose water from hair

In the end, I will say that the very best quality of rose water is that it takes care of the skin as well as the hair. Everyone dreams of long hair, but to make this hair like mind, you have to face various problems.

Rose water will work like magic even if the hair does not grow easily and even if there is a problem of dandruff. Gently massage the dandruff area with a little rose water and a little coconut oil, you will see that the dandruff disappears in a few days.

How to Make Rose Water At Home?

In a glass jar with clean water, soak 2 whole rose petals in it all day long. After leaving the mixture out overnight, store it in the fridge with rose petals in a glass jar, the next day when you see the water change color. It will stay valuable for up to a half year.


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